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Quote: Has anyone compared both? I did about 9 months ago and i liked the Sony very much but after spending time with L3 i realized with some careful programming that great results could come from it. The Sony is more idiot proof and is quick and easy to get a really nice end result. L3 has to be worked and in the wrong hands could really trash a recording! As Mike said in his revue! The provided presets don't really give an idea of what can be achieved? You really have to work on each band separately!

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Like using the priority control to make sure that each band is kept within is tolerable limits etc, for example! When i master a club track i don't over limit the frequency where the kik drum is most active? Porrino Preludio Aria Et Scherzo Pdf File. Else it can sound really lacking on a big sound system and the same for the frequency where the snare/clap and vocal will be sitting, as again it will sound vacuum packed with no life left in it.

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