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Posted by in, A fellow software entrepreneur emailed me today with this question: My question is, as I am trying to get an application of mine built in AIR, and it is commercial software, with features disabled that I want enabled after entering a license key. Since AIR sends out your whole SWF file that can easily be decompiled, what do you recommend doing to protect your IP since it's basically being given away free with every download?

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You should always use these constants in your code and DLL to help prevent cracking. Please ensure that you download the correct library file for your application - if its licensing then you must only use an licensing library from Nalpeiron, and the same for analytics i.e. Don't mix up files between licensing and analytics, they. No more missed important software updates! UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer.

It could also be easily cracked I assume. What he is referring to is the fact that Adobe AIR application files are really in essence simple Flash movies (SWF files), zipped up. Rob Zombie Greatest Hits Rar Download more. SWFs are, and have always been, fairly easy to decompile, which means that you can run the SWF through a piece of software which will spit out the original source code for the application (what he refers to as 'your IP' in the question). He suggested I answer in a blog post, so here it is.

Man Of Tai Chi Torrent Download 720p Movie. My short answer is this: I don't do anything to protect against decompiling, and I'm not worried about it. The following is my current thinking on software piracy and what to do about it. Blazevideo Dvd Copy Keygen Generator. These are just my current views, I don't claim them as great ideas of my own. It's just what I have learned so far, from different people, books, blog postings, etc. Also, I realize that the rise of SaaS might make this less relevant in the future, but who knows.I think the future is hybrid, we'll see. The software buyer/hacker spectrum I don't like generalizing, but here it goes.

I believe there are 3 main categories of software users when it comes to purchasing software versus stealing it: 'those who'll buy', 'those who might buy' and 'those who will never buy'. I the pie chart below I refined it a bit to 5 categories, and since I don't know how big they really are, I intentionally made all the pieces the same size, except for the yellow one, which I believe is the biggest one: Let me describe each piece before discussing how I approach each one. • At one end of the spectrum are those who will never spend money on your software. This category includes actual criminals who will steal your SW to repackage it and sell it, high school kids who like to show off their hacking skillz, and also very legitimate and respectable entities like the others who simply believe software should be gratis (the strikethrough is due to a mistake of mine in confusing free as in speech vs free as in beer. My bad, I respect the FSF!). • Then there's a piece of the world population who simply cannot afford to spend money on your software, or at least not a lot.