Concordia University. Jan 22, 2013. Filemaker Pro 11 Mac License Key more. MATLAB Coder supports a subset of core MATLAB language features, including program control constructs, functions, and matrix operations. Tool for assessing the effects of a vehicle or vessel on antenna radiation, estimating radar cross sections (RCS), and predicting coupling between antennas.
This is an inventory of computer based mathematical and analytical tools that are utilized by the Engineering Directorate at JSC to perform computations, assessments, modeling, simulation and analysis. Some of these tools have been custom built in-house and others are commercial off the shelf tools. These tools are available for use or in support of products and services requested and negotiated with the Engineering Directorate.
Old Hindi Songs Mp 3 Free Download. Application Name Purpose A/E SES (Ascent/Entry Systems Engineering Simulation) 6-DOF GNC Space Shuttle Simulation for ascent, entry, and abort flight phases. Also utilized for the X-38 Project. Abaqus Finite element analysis; especially good for composite materials. Actran Finite element acoustic transmission and shock analysis. Adams Mechanical systems analysis of multi-discipline, mutibody dynamics. Aerospace Blockset Aerospace Blockset™ software extends Simulink® with blocks for modeling and simulating aircraft, spacecraft, rocket, and propulsion systems, as well as unmanned airborne vehicles.
It also includes blocks that implement mathematical representations from aerospace standards, common references, and first principles. Blocks for modeling equations of motion and for navigation, gain scheduling, visualization, unit conversion, and other key operations are also provided. Aerospace Toolbox Aerospace Toolbox provides reference standards, environmental models, and aerodynamic coefficient importing for performing advanced aerospace analysis to develop and evaluate your designs. Options for visualizing vehicle dynamics include a six-degrees-of-freedom MATLAB® animation object and interfaces to FlightGear flight simulator and Simulink 3D Animation™ software. These options let you visualize flight data in a three-dimensional (3-D) environment and reconstruct behavioral anomalies in flight-test results. AGI STK (AGI Satellite Tool kit) Analysis of space-borne systems and their interactions with ground stations, and remote objects through animated scenarios ALDEC Active-HDL VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) Hardware Description Language) design, integrated FPGA design and simulation.
Alibre Design Expert 3-D computer-aided design, verification, and analysis. Allegro CLIM A dynamic object-oriented development and deployment system used in development, analysis and visualization of system architecture models for requirements and safety analysis. Altera MaxPlus FPGA (field programmable gate array) development. Altera Quartus Altera FPGA development Altium Designer System development combining FPGA, PCB, and embedded software development (use EV license). ANSYS Finite element stress analysis.
ANSYS/FLUENT (Fluent) ANSYS FLUENT software contains the broad physical modeling capabilities needed to model flow, turbulence, heat transfer, and reactions for industrial applications ranging from air flow over an aircraft wing to combustion in a furnace ANTARES (Advanced NASA Technology Architecture for Exploration Studies Simulation) 6-DOF GNC Orion/MPCV Simulation for ascent abort, on-orbit, and entry flight phases. Artisan Studio ATV Sim (Ariane Transport Vehicle Simulation) Mutibody GNC Simulation for analyzing ATV rendezvous, proximity operations, and docking with the International Space Station Audacity Sound recording, editing, and analysis AutoCAD 2-D & 3-D computer-aided design (facility drawings and configuration management, integration with thermal design tools, and other drawing needs where ProE is too complex). AutoCAD LT (AutoCAD LT 2009) 2-D Computer-Aided Design AutoCAD Mechanical (AutoCAD Mechanical 2010) Computer-Aided Design used for Thermal Desktop (cannot be used as a standalone application). Avizo Visualization, manipulation, and understanding of scientific and industrial data. CADFix CADfix provides an extensive set of geometry manipulation tools for importing CAD/CAM/CAE data, repairing it, and exporting the data in the most suitable form for reuse in the downstream system. Canvas Low end drawing tool and file type conversion CAP API (CEV Aerosciences Project Application Program Interface) Orion/MPCV aerodynamics math model CART3D Cart3D is a high-fidelity inviscid analysis package for conceptual and preliminary aerodynamic design. It allows users to perform automated CFD analysis on complex geometry CBAERO (Configuration Based AEROdynamics) The CBAERO software package is used to predict the convective and radiative heating environments for the CEV. Need For Speed Most Wanted 2 Soundtrack Free Mp3 Download.