Astro22 Professional Astrology School

Amos And Josh Ft Rabbit Promised Land Mp3 Download. October 28, 1947 @ 20:10 BST (19:10 GMT) – Chorley, England: 53.39.07N 02.37.11W Welcome I am the founder of 13-zodiac astrology, (13星座) a sidereal system that uses the actual star constellations of the true zodiac. Known throughout Asia as ‘The Bergian System of Astrology’ I remain the world’s leading authority on this branch of learning.

I am sensitive to many energy streams, experience surges of second sight and feel the force of chi. I have pursued studies in astronomy and physics, astrology and psychology. As a child I possessed an intuitive grasp of scale and time and became a devotee of Blake. I am an advocate of the balance between reason and intuition. I do not oppose reason, but its tyranny over other human faculties.

Astro22 Professional Astrology (AST22V7.EXE). The Astro22 astrology program runs within its own self contained environment using a Windows Multiple Document Interface (MDI). This allows multiple windows to be opened, resized and manipulated without interfering with other programs that may be. Universal Lunar Calendar [Alexander Kolesnikov, Glasgow, UK] Moon Phases, Moon Signs, Moon Void of Course, Lunar Days for the whole year. Astro22 Professional Computer Astrology V6 [Peter Whalen, Hereford, England] Astrological software designed to produce colorful, personalized presentation charts. Astrology Class Free Overview at Transformations May 26 7pm-8pm. Centre for Psychological Astrology, The CPA provides a unique workshop and professional training programme, designed to foster the cross-fertilisation of the fields of astrology and depth, humanistic, and transpersonal psychology. Essence College, school voor intuןtieve ontwikkeling. Elk kwartaal starten cursussen voor.

I have produced more than one thousand articles and published over twenty-five books including two best sellers in Japan. In addition to appearing regularly to a networked audience of eleven million on Fuji television, I have written articles for all major Japanese newspapers and magazines. I have constructed 13-zodiac profiles for countless ‘A’ list Japanese celebrities and politicians, including several Prime Ministers and Leaders of the House.

My psyche/energy interpretation is a unique mix of eastern and western philosophies, fusing together my own research/insights, Jungian psychology, eastern energy minutiae and the OAB blood type. So widespread is ‘Bergian 13-zodiac astrology’ in Japan that it explains the appearance of Ophiuchus in popular culture. In the Final Fantasy video game series, Ophiuchus is the final Stellazzio coin collected by Queen Stella. In the manga and anime series Fairy Tail, Ophiuchus is the Snake Charmer, a powerful celestial spirit whose gate is referred to as the 13 th Gate. The West is focusing on the truth of Bergian 13-zodiac astrology. Educated, enlightened individuals and organisations across the United States, Canada, South America and Europe are exploring and engaging positively with Ophiuchus and 13-zodiac astrology. Notable amongst these groups are ‘The 13 Sign Astrologers’, ‘The Siderealists’ and ‘RaStar’.